Research Blog

Published blog posts from the team

Blog Posts


plORMbing your Prisma ORM with Time-based Attacks

Part two of our ORM Leak series about attacking the Prisma ORM and leaking sensitive data in a time-based attack.


plORMbing your Django ORM

This blog article explains what are ORM Leak vulnerabilities, how they could be exploited to access sensitive information with the Django ORM.


Keeping up with the Pwnses

This post provides an overview of Talkback, a smart infosec resource aggregator. The post details how the system works, steps through some of its key features, and also presents how to use the UI and GraphQL API.


Exploring the STSAFE-A110

Using a sample application, this blog post gives a walkthrough of the I2C communication between the STSAFE-A110 secure element and a host MCU. A tool is released to aid in understanding the I2C flow using a logic analyser.