Research Blog

Published blog posts from the team

Blog Posts


Intro to SDR and RF Signal Analysis

We take a brief look into Radio Frequency (RF) theory, Software Defined Radio (SDR), and visual analysis of various RF signal characteristics. We discover a good methodology for reversing RF signals, along with some simple analysis of some common RF remote devices that might be found around the home.


Playing with canaries

Analysis of compiler stack canaries and their implementation across various architectures.


EFF secure messaging scorecard review

We decided to audit libotr to gauge its general maturity. This post shares some of our work from the audit, and also some recommendations for software security relevant to the EFF Secure IM Scorecard work.


Vuln research on the WAG54G home router

Journey of hunting for bugs in the WAG54G routers http daemon. The end goal of this research is to find a way to remotely flash C&C firmware (pre-auth), while learning a thing or two along the way... hey, we'd never actually touched MIPS assembly before this!